Book a one-on-one video session with hugh

From portfolio reviews to finding or honing your artistic voice, gear selection and more, sit down for a virtual one-on-one session with Hugh from the comfort and safety of home in these very strange times.


“…[T[hank you so much for [the] empathy and dedication you’ve put into your most valuable feedback and guidance…. Your feedback will help me on my individual journey and, at the same time, motivate me even more doing what we love...
It’s been an honor and pleasure for me! Thank you!

-TB (Germany)

“…It feels like my photography has had major heart surgery and will now be fitter and stronger because of it. I am now excitedly planning a photographic project based on the decline and hopefully recovery of my home city - a story that needs to be told and that hopefully I can record with work of value…"


"…In just half an hour, Hugh was able to start  me thinking in new ways. He was really interested in me and my journey - and was a great observer, all hallmarks of a good teacher."

- AG (Germany)

"…It wasn't until I had gotten over the 'holy crap I'm talking to Hugh!' moment that we started digging into my fears and goals as a photographer.  It wasn't until Hugh dug into my own personal backstory that he helped me realize something really profound: I DO have a unique artistic voice, and I found it. Everything clicked into place. Something magical happened.  Eureka!  I'm grateful." 

- BJS (USA)  

"A fabulous portfolio review!  I never imagined that I could learn so much in a 30-minute session.  Hugh was a model of constructive criticism, delivering comments with honesty but in a very supportive manner, and in a way that still has me thinking about what makes a good photograph.  His suggestions were excellent.

It was also very clear that Hugh cares deeply about helping others to become better photographers; fantastic and extremely educational (even eye-opening). I definitely will book more sessions in the future."

- JG (Canada)

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"Looking for advice on how to advance my photography and aging tools, I asked Hugh on what would be a way forward in the flood of gear we see on the market. With the help of his well placed questions and his knowledge I found the #nofutz guidance I had hoped for.  A pleasure - I learned a lot.

- CS (Germany)

"Incredibly valuable. I knew he’d see things differently than I do and I got exactly what I had hoped for. Thank you!  

- SS (USA)

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